Game instructions only for Ceremony game:
1. Number of players is not limited, the minnimum being three.
2. The procedure of each ceremony, with appropriate musical theme, is conductded consistently and without props.
3. Number and order of ceremonies is not limited, but during the performance two ceremonies are mandatory: funeral and multiple bows of the actors in the theatre at the end of the play.
4. Costume of a player can be casually uniform for everyone, or range from a bathing suit to official and religious clothing.
5. Costume of the ceremony moderator can be, but does not have to, consistent with the ceremony he performs.
On completely empty and undecorated stage, under strong spotlight players perform ceremonies in overlapping succession which can be linear, non-repetitive, with planned ending, or repetitive sequence of an ongoing line with undetermined ending.
Ceremonies, can, but do not have to, be performed in the same time frame.